Saturday 30 May 2015

Quit Smoking:It weakens your bones

Smoking is injurious to your health.People think that damage caused by smoking remains confined only to lungs.Sorry they are wrong,it affects the overall immunity of the body.Smoking increases the level of carbon monooxide in the body which leads to overall deterioration in blood supply to different organs of the body.This indirectly affects the health of the bones as bones derive their energy and density from blood supply organs which work at much lower levels.In such condition,one easily becomes a candidate for back pain.In women it can be one major reason for Osteoporosis.Post menopause women are already going through lot of bodily changes and already bone density is affected and on top of that women smoke ,there are high chances of such women developing Osteoporosis.
So nicotoine is a moments pleasure leading to life long pain.Give it up,for the sake of healthy life. 

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