Spine Solutions India by Dr Sudeep Jain, provides comprehensive clinical diagnosis to its patients and follow the right course of treatment - whether clinical or if require surgical intervention.
If you are obese and smoke,you are a sure shot case for #backpain.Numerous
researches have been done and all of these have come to the conclusion
that such a person is a high risk person in terms of life style
diseases. Smoking and obesity are independent risk, even after providing
for factors such as age, education, exercise level, and employment
status.If you belong to this category,do whatever it takes to give up
smoking and reduce weight.
Suffering from Arthritis or other back/joint related problem,you need to
be careful in cold weather as pain from these problems generally
reoccurs or intensifies during the low temperature days. To prevent,follow these simple tips Wear layers of clothes, layers of cloth are more effective as compared to one single heavy woolen piece of cloth Don't skip your walk,just that avoid going out early in the morning or too late in the evening.Take a stroll during day time. Keep yourself hydrated If prescribed some medicine,take it regularly Have plenty of fruits Avoid being in the heated accommodation for too long Stay happy and active
Normally(barring injuries) it is your posture and to certain extent your lifestyle which affects the health of your Spine. Posture includes Your sleeping pattern-Sleep in a posture that supports the curve of your body
Maintain correct posture while at work-The seat or the chair on which
you sit should support the normal curvature of your body.The test is if
you feel strain,the seat or the chair needs to be changed. Stand straight-Slumped shoulders neither convey good impression nor are good for your Spinal health
What is Arthritis? It is a clinical condition of
pain,swelling,stiffness in and around the joints which severely
affects persons ability to move around. It is of different types and
can be caused by variety of factors such as genetic,lifestyle to
environmental factors. Usually it affects people in old age but
nowadays because of the lifestyle changes people even in 40’s are found
to be suffering from some form of this disease.
How can we prevent Arthritis? Having a healthylifestyle,eating
seasonal fruits and vegetables,doing light exercises on a daily basis
,limiting alcohol and smoking offers the best insurance against
Arthritis.However this may not be enough as in some cases genetic
factors are also responsible.So awareness and early treatment can also
help in preventing the severity.
What’s the treatment for Arthritis?
There is no one single treatment which can be prescribed. Like for
Rheumatoid Arthritis drugs are prescribed. Also for other forms
lifestyle modifications like weight control ,control of diabetes are
prescribed.In some rare cases surgery is also effective.
We have so far written a number of time how our posture during work
matters a lot for our back health.Equally important is our posture while
sleeping.Another thing which we should be careful about for a sound
sleep is the mattresses one uses as these play a
major role in
supporting and keeping your back healthy while sleeping.The mattress
should neither be too hard nor too soft.The mattress should be such that
in which your body can rest in a neutral position, it supports the
curvature of your Spine and helps in keeping your buttocks, heels,
shoulders, and head in proper alignment.Also mattress irrespective of
the condition should be replaced after two years of use as it loses its
natural suppleness.
Here is proof of what we have always been saying.It is the youngsters
which get hurt in most of the road accidents. Infact in these accidents
so many of them suffer serious Spinal injuries making them dependent on
others for whole life.It is so tragic that those who are suppose to look
after their families themselves depend on the families for their
lookafter. Somehow the due importance which we need to give to road
safety issue is missing from the public discourse.Neither our general
public nor the government agencies are effectively trying to improve
road safety.
Our Winters are generally not as severe as the people in Western
Countries undergo.Still they are difficult for elderly and those
suffering from back or spinal problems. The pre existing diseases start
aching more as muscles turn stiff because of the colder climate.The
best way to prevent this is a) Keep yourself appropriately covered.
Nerve ending become extremely sensitive leading to intense pain from
preexisting diseases .The best way to prevent this is to wear warm inners. b)Indulge in light exercises.This can also help in reducing stiffness of the muscles. c)Avoid heavy workout,slip and falls as far as possible in this weather d)Laze in sunshine e)Increase in take of nuts,honey, soups in your diet.
Low back pain is something which almost every office goer is witnessing
these days.The reasons are not far to seek.Sitting for long hours
without break in one single posture and
also in a posture which is not correct is a sure shot way of suffering
from back pain.On top of that if you don’t exercise ,indulge in drinking
and smoking ,you become an obvious target for back pain and other life
style health problems.The irony is when there is so much awareness being
spread around these lifestyle problems,still people don’t learn.
People initially take back problems as minor problems but they remain
minor if you attend to them at that stage itself,otherwise it does not
take too long for these minor problems to become major.