Monday, 17 August 2015

Avoid sitting long hours for better back help

Do you sit in an office chair or on your couch for more than six hours a day? It is believed that more than half of the average person’s waking hours are spent sitting: watching television, working at a computer, commuting, or doing other physically inactive pursuits. But all that sitting could be sending us to an early grave, even those folks who exercise up to an hour a day. It might be hazardous for your health.  People who sit for prolonged periods of time has a higher risk of dying from all causes — even those who exercise regularly. The negative effects can even be more pronounced in people who do little or no exercise. You are putting your body at high risks. Watch out for it before it is too late. Your risk of heart disease has increased by up to 64 percent and you're shaving off seven years of quality life. You're also more at risk for certain types of cancer. Try to Sit less and stand more as it can help in burning up to 30% calories

In the developed world, our lifestyles have become so sedentary. Each and everyone of us has become so addicted of sitting at our workplaces that we ignore our back pains and never realize or even give a thought, that how we are wrecking our body.

One of the most common reasons why people get back pain is due to ‘Disc Prolapse’. In most cases it occurs because of weak musculature. If the muscles of the back are weak, the pressure will fall on the vertebral discs. The discs have gel called Nucleus Pulposus inside them, when it slips out it puts pressure on the spinal cord and nerves, producing pain. A work involving lot of sitting , is one of the main reasons of ‘Disc Prolapse’.

How sitting a lot contributes to poor health isn’t clear yet. But it may also have harmful effects on sugar and fat metabolism, both of which affect a person’s risk of diabetes and heart disease.
As right after we sit down, the electrical activity in our muscles slows down and our calorie-burning rate drops to one calorie per minute. This is about a third of what it does if we are walking. If we sit for a full 24-hour period, we experience a 40 percent reduction in glucose uptake in insulin, which can eventually cause type 2 diabetes and can also worsen cardiovascular health.
Within five days of changing to a sedentary lifestyle, our body increases plasma triglycerides (fatty molecules), LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol), and insulin resistance. This means our muscles aren't taking in fat and our blood sugar levels go up, putting us at risk for weight gain. After just two weeks, of following the same routine, our muscles start to atrophy and our maximum oxygen consumption drops. This makes stairs harder to climb and walks harder to take. Even if we are working out every day the deterioration starts the second we stop moving.
Apart from spending too much time at the desk, improper diet that lacks in sufficient proteins, calcium and vitamin D supplements can also be the reason for back and neck pain and wrecking of our bodies, which can result in weak back muscles and bones.
With every passing day, younger and younger patients can be seen complaining about lower back pain. So, here are some ways that can be followed in order to avoid it.

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