Tuesday 16 February 2016

Joint care in winters!

The pleasantness of winters is loved by everyone, but for those suffering from any kind of joint or bone related ailment, this season brings with it some painful time. During winters, the coldness in the air often aggravates bodily pains. So, those suffering from arthritis or any other kind of spinal problem needs to be extra cautious during this season.
Of late, Arthritis has emerged as a very common joint related ailment, with a large number of people suffering from it. In any case our wrong postures and unhealthy lifestyle has already lead to a major increase in back and neck related problems, along with several other spinal problems. Although, there is no particular season for such problems to occur, but these problems generally aggravates during winters causing a lot pain and discomfort to those suffering from it.

Why winters aggravates the joint problems
In winters, there is a decrease in air pressure and along with that  chilliness present in the air creates a condition where pressure on the muscles increases and they become stiff. This in turn, leads to increased pressure on joints and the surrounding nerves causing severe pain. This is the reason why stiffness and pain in joints and pain in the bones increases during winters.

What should be done to avoid this situation
Generally, people become lazy during winters and often skip exercising. But it is important to understand that no matter what the season may, one should never skip exercising. Exercise helps in keeping our joints flexible hence, reducing the chances of stiff and painful joints. Arthritis patients especially, should perform exercises regularly, suggested by the physiotherapist. But one should also perform exercises keeping weather conditions in mind. For example, in winters, joints stiffen is more in the morning. So, one should stick to light exercises in the morning. Remember always warm up before starting any exercise. Also, before starting any new exercise, consult your doctor or physiotherapist. Avoid going for early morning walks during winters as it can cause more harm than good.
Similar to exercising, protecting oneself from the winter chill is equally important. If you are suffering from joint pain, it is advised that you wear woolen clothes that too in layers and try to keep yourself as warm as possible. Besides, one should keep the affected body part covered . Hot water bottle/packs can also be helpful in combating pain. 

Our diet too plays a key role in keeping our bones and joints healthy. Eat home made nutritious food. Also, opt for seasonal fruits and vegetables. Include milk and milk products like curd and cheese, dark green leafy vegetables, soybean, eggs etc in your diet; as they are rich in calcium which is very beneficial for your bones. Along with it sit in the sun as it is important source of Vitamin D as these keep body nourished and helps in absorption of Calcium in our bones. 

Though winters brings with it problems in the form of joint pain, but proper care can help in fighting pain. Remember, with a healthy diet, right exercises and protection from cold; one can prevent joint pain in winters. And if the pain becomes unbearable, don’t delay consulting doctor. Timely diagnosis and treatment is always helpful.

Dr Sudeep Jain (MCh)
Director, Spine Solutions India (New Delhi)

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