Sunday, 29 November 2015

Growing gymnasium related back injuries

Gymnasiums have become preferred mode of working out especially among youngsters. It is good as exercising in any form does good for the overall body. But what has been noticed that lot of youngsters in order to quickly get a muscular body start lifting weights which are beyond the capacity of their body at that particular time. Secondly, they over exercise or simply lift weights in a wrong manner. All this results in serious back injuries. Infact at our clinic every week we easily get 2-3 such patients and their injuries are of severe nature.Offer simple advise to these youngsters,you can’t have a muscular body in a short period,it takes years of hard work.Lifting weights is a professional sports,do it only under a watchful eye of a trainer.

Friday, 27 November 2015

Tips for recovering from back pain

Getting well from back pain involves both physiological and physical management.
Physiological management-Involves filling mind with positive thoughts about recovery and that I will get well.Pain is felt by central nervous system and it responds positively to positive thoughts.
Consume balanced diet.
If you smoke,give it up.It will only hamper your recovery.
Be careful about the posture whether at work or at sleep.
Have sound sleep.This is must for aiding healing process.
Exercise regularly but under a professional’s guidance.Improperly done exercises can do more harm than good.

Friday, 20 November 2015

Good diet can go a long way in preventing Osteoporosis in women

Genetically speaking Women are more prone to Osteoporosis as compared to men.The first is that their bones are smaller and bit brittle as compared to men.Secondly estrogen,a hormone that protects bone mass goes down drastically among them when they reach menopause.
In India we see high number of Osteoporosis as women suffer all their life without proper diet.Women take care of the entire family but when it comes to their own diet,they just have the leftovers.Milk or milk pr
oducts are hardly taken.Consequently,aging happens prematurely with lot of women being diagnosed with Osteoporosis in late 30's itself.
We do have treatment but as the saying goes prevention is better than cure.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency

It may sound as ironical but it is true.India may be a sunny country but despite this ,a large number of Indians suffer from severe Vitamin D deficiency.Strange is that it is more prevalent in so called upwardly mobile which tries to limit sun exposure.Besides women and elderly are more prone to Vitamin D deficiency.
Sun rays is the best source of Vitamin D(Costs nothing) and this is so vital for absorption of Calcium,which we need for good healthy bone.This marks the onset of Spinal problems.
Vitamin D is needed for every vital body action and its deficiency can lower our overall immunity to a great level.

Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency includes depression like feeling,general sickness,pain in the bones,unexplainable obesity,darkness of the skin and in some it also causes general indigestion. 

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Treatment for Slip Disc

Yesterday we discussed symptoms and causes of Slip Disc.Today we will discuss the different treatment modalities to be followed at different stages.Once Slip Disc has been confirmed by the Doctor,the first line of treatment prescribed is short rest along with
few pain killers.After few days physiotherapy sessions are to be taken.Most of the patients get relief at this stage itself.For long term measures,this should be supported by lifestyle changes-better posture at work,healthy diet and regular exercises.Those who don't get relief from these are given special injections which are non invasive procedures designed to provide patient relief from recurring back pain.
Finally surgery may be considered,if the pain does not go away with these treatments and time.

Friday, 13 November 2015

Slip Disc and its causes

People are familiar with a term called Slip Disc.But very few are aware what exactly is Slip Disc and how it happens.
Simply stating our spine is made of 24 individual bones known as Vertebrae.These bones are stacked one upon the another.These vertebrae are protected by round shaped tissue called Disc.These have tough fibrous case which have soft gel substance.When disc gets damaged this soft gel protrudes out leading to pain in the back,neck and tingling sensation in legs.The major causes of Slip Disc is wrong posture,heavy lifting of weights,sports injury,eating of junk food,smoking and other wrong lifestyle habits.It can happen because of aging as well but mostly it is being diagnosed in youngsters and that too because of lifestyle issues.

Monday, 9 November 2015

How to prevent from such back injuries...

Prevent Back Injuries by simply avoiding Lifting and Bending wherever you can…

1. Place objects up on the floor: If you can set something up on a table or other elevated surface instead of on the floor, do it so you won’t have to reach down to pick it up again.

2. Use proper lifting procedures: Avoid lifting as much you can but if it’s necessary then bend your knees to sit and lift the object instead of bending your back.

Friday, 6 November 2015

Degenerative disc disease can cause several spinal problems

Degenerative disc disease is a common cause of low back pain and neck pain. The degeneration of the disc happens because of simple aging , continuous medical problem or injuries. 


This degenerative disc disease can cause further Spinal problems such as Spinal Stenosis, Cervical Stenosis, Osteoarthritis of Spine and other Spinal problems. Its treatment involves combination of three factors such as pain control, exercise and rehabilitation and lifestyle modifications. 

In case these don’t work surgery can be considered as these provide good outcome.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Wrong impression about surgeons using only surgery for Spinal problems needs to be countered

Certain articles carried in prominent newspapers are creating a false impression that we surgeons are treating Spinal disorders by surgery alone .Infact we surgeons very well know that and follow this in practice that the surgery is to be used only as a last resort. If we were to conduct a survey, we will find out of 100 patients detected with Spinal problems hardly 3 are operated. Rest get well with exercise programs ,chiropractic treatment, electrical stimulation, and nutritional supplements itself. Surgery is used only when these measures have failed. And there is nothing wrong with these as when medical treatment is available, why should these people live life with pain.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Suffering from low back;consult a Doctor without delay

Lower back pain is so common.The best treatment as always is prevention but then we remember prevention,only when we suffer from some health disorder.Now let's assume you are suffering from back pain.And it is quite persistent.The best advise under such circumstances,is to go and get examined from a specialist.Don't delay as it can only aggravate the problem.
Most of the times people start indulging in their own treatment methods,pls don't do this.You never know what is wrong,you will only end up harming yourself more.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Tips to prevent back pain

a)Be careful about your posture whether at work or sleep.Fifty percent of the people get back pain because of bad posture.
b)Leading an active life physically.If you compare, spine of a porter will be far better than a person who works in office because he leads a physically active life.
c)Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables.Completely avoid junk food.
d)In gym work under supervision of a trained coach.Gym related back injuries in youngsters is very c
e)Maintain healthy weight.Obesity increases the risk of back pain manifold.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

कहीं आपके पीठ दर्द का कारण स्पाइनल स्टेनोसिस तो नहीं ?

आजकल  पीठ  का दर्द होना एक बहुत आम सी बात बन चुकी  है। एक किषोर से लेकर एक वृद्ध व्यक्ति तक , हर किसी को पीठ का दर्द किसी  ना किसी रूप में है। हर किसी को अलग अलग प्रकार का दर्द होता है, इसी  तरह का एक दर्द स्पाइनल स्टेनोसिस होता  है। 

स्पाइनल स्टेनोसिस के कारणवर्ष , हमारे शरीर की डिस्क उभरने लगती है और साथ ही ऊतकेँ मोटी होने लगती है जिसके कारण रीढ़ नलिका से जाने वाली नस सिकुड़ने लगती है। 
ज़्यादातर बुज़ुर्ग  लोगों  में देखा जाने वाला  यह रोग अब युवा पीढ़ी में, वो भी बहुत भारी संख्या में निदान किया जा रहा है जिसका सीधा संबंध उनके लाइफस्टाइल से है। 

स्पाइनल स्टेनोसिस में हमारी रीढ़ की हड्डी में मौजूद खुले स्थान बंद होने लगते है जिसके कारण हमारी मेरुदंड(स्पाइनल कॉर्ड) और नसों पर दबाव पड़ने लगता है। ज़्यादातर मामलों में स्पाइन का सिकुड़ना, स्टेनोसिस होने के कारण ही होता है, जिसके कारण नर्व रुट दबने लगता है।  इसकी वजह से पैरों में दर्द, थकान, अकड़न, वे झुनझुनाहट महसूस हो सकती  है। 

इसका निदान करना बहुत मुश्किल हो सकता है क्युंकि इस तरह के लक्ष्ण किसी ओर  कारणवर्ष भी हो सकते हैं। जिन लोगों को स्टेनोसिस हो, यह ज़रूरी नहीं की उन्हे पहले कभी पीठ में दर्द हो या कभी किसी तरह की चोट लगी हो। आम तौर पर स्पाइनल स्टेनोसिस में, अचानक से पीठ में दर्द होता है जो की आराम करने पर चला जाता है और ये दर्द चलते वक़्त भी महसुस  हो सकता है। 

स्पाइनल स्टेनोसिस दो प्रकार के होतें हैं- लुम्बर स्टेनोसिस और सर्वाइकल स्टेनोसिस। अगर रोग अधिक न बढ़ा हो,  तो स्टेनोसिस को सर्जरी किए बिना भी उपचार मुमकिन  है।  यह बहुत ज़रूरी है की मरीज़ शारीरिक रूप से सक्रिय रहे क्यूोंकि  इससे स्पाइनल स्टेनोसिस जल्दी ठीक हो सकता है, छोटे  छोटे बदलावों से जैसे कि  स्ट्रेट जैकेटेड कुर्सी  की जगह झुकने वाली कुर्सी की  इस्तेमाल करना, अच्छा परिणाम ला सकता है। 
एपिडरल इंजेक्शन से भी लगभग 50% लोगों को   ठीक किया जा सकता है। आगे चलकर यह इंजेक्शन जिन लोगों को सर्जरी करानी पढ़ती है उनके जल्दी  ठीक होने में सहायक भी सिद्ध होता है। जब सब मर्ज़ विफ़ल हो जाये तो सर्जरी एक सही निर्णेय होता है। पर सर्जरी कोई गभराने की बात नहीं है क्योंकि इस में बेहद ही उत्साह वर्धक नतीज़े होते है। सिर्फ़ कुछ बातों की सावधानियां बरतनी चाईए। 

सबसे पहले इस सर्जरी को करने से पहले मरीज़ के शारीरिक स्वास्थय को ध्यान में रखना बहुत मह्त्वपूर्ण होता  है। फिर डॉक्टर को इस बात का ध्यान रखना चाईए की वह क्षति ग्रस्त नब्ज को पहचाने और उसी का  उपचार करे। उपचार करते वक्त पूरी सावधानी बरती जाये की कोई और नब्ज को नुक्सान न पहुँचे। यहाँ एक सर्जन के कौशल पर बहुत कुछ निर्भर करता है। 

अगर यह सब  सावधनिया बरती जाएं तो सर्जरी दर्द  से  निवारण का एक अच्छा विकल्प साबित हो सकती है। 

सर्जरी होने के कुछ समय बाद तक मरीज़ को आराम करने को कहा जाता है और साथ ही कुछ दवाइयों का सेवन करने को भी कहा जाता है ताकि सूजन काम हो। पेट और पीठ के निचले हिस्से के लिए ज़्यादा चलने और व्यायाम  करने की  भी नसीहत दी जाती  है और गरम पानी से नहाना, बर्फ लगाने से भी रीढ़ स्थिर रहती है।