Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Obesity and smoking are extremely hazardous for your back health

If you are obese and smoke,you are a sure shot case for #backpain.Numerous researches have been done and all of these have come to the conclusion that such a person is a high risk person in terms of life style diseases. Smoking and obesity are independent risk, even after providing for factors such as age, education, exercise level, and employment status.If you belong to this category,do whatever it takes to give up smoking and reduce weight.

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Prevent reocurring of pain in existing Spinal problems in winters

Suffering from Arthritis or other back/joint related problem,you need to be careful in cold weather as pain from these problems generally reoccurs or intensifies during the low temperature days.
To prevent,follow these simple tips
Wear layers of clothes, layers of cloth are more effective as compared to one single heavy woolen piece of cloth
Don't skip your walk,just that avoid going out early in the morning or too late in the evening.Take a stroll during day time.
Keep your
self hydrated
If prescribed some medicine,take it regularly
Have plenty of fruits
Avoid being in the heated accommodation for too long
Stay happy and active

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

How to have a healthy Spine

Normally(barring injuries) it is your posture and to certain extent your lifestyle which affects the health of your Spine.
Posture includes
Your sleeping pattern-Sleep in a posture that supports the curve of your body
Maintain correct posture while at work-The seat or the chair on which you sit should support the normal curvature of your body.The test is if you feel strain,the seat or the chair needs to be changed.
Stand straight-Slumped shoulders neither convey good impression nor are good for your Spinal health

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Know about Arthritis-How it can be prevented and treated

What is Arthritis?
It is a clinical condition of pain,swelling,stiffness in and around the joints which severely affects persons ability to move around. It is of different types and can be caused by variety of factors such as genetic,lifestyle to environmental factors. Usually it affects people in old age but nowadays because of the lifestyle changes people even in 40’s are found to be suffering from some form of this disease.

How can we prevent Arthritis?
Having a healthylifestyle,eating seasonal fruits and vegetables,doing light exercises on a daily basis ,limiting alcohol and smoking offers the best insurance against Arthritis.However this may not be enough as in some cases genetic factors are also responsible.So awareness and early treatment can also help in preventing the severity.

What’s the treatment for Arthritis?
There is no one single treatment which can be prescribed. Like for Rheumatoid Arthritis drugs are prescribed. Also for other forms lifestyle modifications like weight control ,control of diabetes are prescribed.In some rare cases surgery is also effective.

Monday, 14 December 2015

For good back health sleep on proper mattresses

We have so far written a number of time how our posture during work matters a lot for our back health.Equally important is our posture while sleeping.Another thing which we should be careful about for a sound sleep is the mattresses one uses as these play a
major role in supporting and keeping your back healthy while sleeping.The mattress should neither be too hard nor too soft.The mattress should be such that in which your body can rest in a neutral position, it supports the curvature of your Spine and helps in keeping your buttocks, heels, shoulders, and head in proper alignment.Also mattress irrespective of the condition should be replaced after two years of use as it loses its natural suppleness.

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Road accidents are the leading cause of Spinal injuries among youngsters

Here is proof of what we have always been saying.It is the youngsters which get hurt in most of the road accidents. Infact in these accidents so many of them suffer serious Spinal injuries making them dependent on others for whole life.It is so tragic that those who are suppose to look after their families themselves depend on the families for their lookafter.
Somehow the due importance which we need to give to road safety issue is missing from the public discourse.Neither our general public nor the government agencies are effectively trying to improve road safety.

Thursday, 3 December 2015

How to prevent back pain in Winters

Our Winters are generally not as severe as the people in Western Countries undergo.Still they are difficult for elderly and those suffering from back or spinal problems. The pre existing diseases start aching more as muscles turn stiff because of the colder climate.The best way to prevent this is
a) Keep yourself appropriately covered. Nerve ending become extremely sensitive leading to intense pain from preexisting diseases .The best way to prevent this is to wear warm inn
b)Indulge in light exercises.This can also help in reducing stiffness of the muscles.
c)Avoid heavy workout,slip and falls as far as possible in this weather
d)Laze in sunshine
e)Increase in take of nuts,honey, soups in your diet.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Don't ognore low back pain

Low back pain is something which almost every office goer is witnessing these days.The reasons are not far to seek.Sitting for long hours without break in one single posture and also in a posture which is not correct is a sure shot way of suffering from back pain.On top of that if you don’t exercise ,indulge in drinking and smoking ,you become an obvious target for back pain and other life style health problems.The irony is when there is so much awareness being spread around these lifestyle problems,still people don’t learn.
People initially take back problems as minor problems but they remain minor if you attend to them at that stage itself,otherwise it does not take too long for these minor problems to become major.

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Growing gymnasium related back injuries

Gymnasiums have become preferred mode of working out especially among youngsters. It is good as exercising in any form does good for the overall body. But what has been noticed that lot of youngsters in order to quickly get a muscular body start lifting weights which are beyond the capacity of their body at that particular time. Secondly, they over exercise or simply lift weights in a wrong manner. All this results in serious back injuries. Infact at our clinic every week we easily get 2-3 such patients and their injuries are of severe nature.Offer simple advise to these youngsters,you can’t have a muscular body in a short period,it takes years of hard work.Lifting weights is a professional sports,do it only under a watchful eye of a trainer.

Friday, 27 November 2015

Tips for recovering from back pain

Getting well from back pain involves both physiological and physical management.
Physiological management-Involves filling mind with positive thoughts about recovery and that I will get well.Pain is felt by central nervous system and it responds positively to positive thoughts.
Consume balanced diet.
If you smoke,give it up.It will only hamper your recovery.
Be careful about the posture whether at work or at sleep.
Have sound sleep.This is must for aiding healing process.
Exercise regularly but under a professional’s guidance.Improperly done exercises can do more harm than good.

Friday, 20 November 2015

Good diet can go a long way in preventing Osteoporosis in women

Genetically speaking Women are more prone to Osteoporosis as compared to men.The first is that their bones are smaller and bit brittle as compared to men.Secondly estrogen,a hormone that protects bone mass goes down drastically among them when they reach menopause.
In India we see high number of Osteoporosis as women suffer all their life without proper diet.Women take care of the entire family but when it comes to their own diet,they just have the leftovers.Milk or milk pr
oducts are hardly taken.Consequently,aging happens prematurely with lot of women being diagnosed with Osteoporosis in late 30's itself.
We do have treatment but as the saying goes prevention is better than cure.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency

It may sound as ironical but it is true.India may be a sunny country but despite this ,a large number of Indians suffer from severe Vitamin D deficiency.Strange is that it is more prevalent in so called upwardly mobile which tries to limit sun exposure.Besides women and elderly are more prone to Vitamin D deficiency.
Sun rays is the best source of Vitamin D(Costs nothing) and this is so vital for absorption of Calcium,which we need for good healthy bone.This marks the onset of Spinal problems.
Vitamin D is needed for every vital body action and its deficiency can lower our overall immunity to a great level.

Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency includes depression like feeling,general sickness,pain in the bones,unexplainable obesity,darkness of the skin and in some it also causes general indigestion. 

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Treatment for Slip Disc

Yesterday we discussed symptoms and causes of Slip Disc.Today we will discuss the different treatment modalities to be followed at different stages.Once Slip Disc has been confirmed by the Doctor,the first line of treatment prescribed is short rest along with
few pain killers.After few days physiotherapy sessions are to be taken.Most of the patients get relief at this stage itself.For long term measures,this should be supported by lifestyle changes-better posture at work,healthy diet and regular exercises.Those who don't get relief from these are given special injections which are non invasive procedures designed to provide patient relief from recurring back pain.
Finally surgery may be considered,if the pain does not go away with these treatments and time.

Friday, 13 November 2015

Slip Disc and its causes

People are familiar with a term called Slip Disc.But very few are aware what exactly is Slip Disc and how it happens.
Simply stating our spine is made of 24 individual bones known as Vertebrae.These bones are stacked one upon the another.These vertebrae are protected by round shaped tissue called Disc.These have tough fibrous case which have soft gel substance.When disc gets damaged this soft gel protrudes out leading to pain in the back,neck and tingling sensation in legs.The major causes of Slip Disc is wrong posture,heavy lifting of weights,sports injury,eating of junk food,smoking and other wrong lifestyle habits.It can happen because of aging as well but mostly it is being diagnosed in youngsters and that too because of lifestyle issues.

Monday, 9 November 2015

How to prevent from such back injuries...

Prevent Back Injuries by simply avoiding Lifting and Bending wherever you can…

1. Place objects up on the floor: If you can set something up on a table or other elevated surface instead of on the floor, do it so you won’t have to reach down to pick it up again.

2. Use proper lifting procedures: Avoid lifting as much you can but if it’s necessary then bend your knees to sit and lift the object instead of bending your back.

Friday, 6 November 2015

Degenerative disc disease can cause several spinal problems

Degenerative disc disease is a common cause of low back pain and neck pain. The degeneration of the disc happens because of simple aging , continuous medical problem or injuries. 


This degenerative disc disease can cause further Spinal problems such as Spinal Stenosis, Cervical Stenosis, Osteoarthritis of Spine and other Spinal problems. Its treatment involves combination of three factors such as pain control, exercise and rehabilitation and lifestyle modifications. 

In case these don’t work surgery can be considered as these provide good outcome.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Wrong impression about surgeons using only surgery for Spinal problems needs to be countered

Certain articles carried in prominent newspapers are creating a false impression that we surgeons are treating Spinal disorders by surgery alone .Infact we surgeons very well know that and follow this in practice that the surgery is to be used only as a last resort. If we were to conduct a survey, we will find out of 100 patients detected with Spinal problems hardly 3 are operated. Rest get well with exercise programs ,chiropractic treatment, electrical stimulation, and nutritional supplements itself. Surgery is used only when these measures have failed. And there is nothing wrong with these as when medical treatment is available, why should these people live life with pain.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Suffering from low back;consult a Doctor without delay

Lower back pain is so common.The best treatment as always is prevention but then we remember prevention,only when we suffer from some health disorder.Now let's assume you are suffering from back pain.And it is quite persistent.The best advise under such circumstances,is to go and get examined from a specialist.Don't delay as it can only aggravate the problem.
Most of the times people start indulging in their own treatment methods,pls don't do this.You never know what is wrong,you will only end up harming yourself more.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Tips to prevent back pain

a)Be careful about your posture whether at work or sleep.Fifty percent of the people get back pain because of bad posture.
b)Leading an active life physically.If you compare, spine of a porter will be far better than a person who works in office because he leads a physically active life.
c)Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables.Completely avoid junk food.
d)In gym work under supervision of a trained coach.Gym related back injuries in youngsters is very c
e)Maintain healthy weight.Obesity increases the risk of back pain manifold.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

कहीं आपके पीठ दर्द का कारण स्पाइनल स्टेनोसिस तो नहीं ?

आजकल  पीठ  का दर्द होना एक बहुत आम सी बात बन चुकी  है। एक किषोर से लेकर एक वृद्ध व्यक्ति तक , हर किसी को पीठ का दर्द किसी  ना किसी रूप में है। हर किसी को अलग अलग प्रकार का दर्द होता है, इसी  तरह का एक दर्द स्पाइनल स्टेनोसिस होता  है। 

स्पाइनल स्टेनोसिस के कारणवर्ष , हमारे शरीर की डिस्क उभरने लगती है और साथ ही ऊतकेँ मोटी होने लगती है जिसके कारण रीढ़ नलिका से जाने वाली नस सिकुड़ने लगती है। 
ज़्यादातर बुज़ुर्ग  लोगों  में देखा जाने वाला  यह रोग अब युवा पीढ़ी में, वो भी बहुत भारी संख्या में निदान किया जा रहा है जिसका सीधा संबंध उनके लाइफस्टाइल से है। 

स्पाइनल स्टेनोसिस में हमारी रीढ़ की हड्डी में मौजूद खुले स्थान बंद होने लगते है जिसके कारण हमारी मेरुदंड(स्पाइनल कॉर्ड) और नसों पर दबाव पड़ने लगता है। ज़्यादातर मामलों में स्पाइन का सिकुड़ना, स्टेनोसिस होने के कारण ही होता है, जिसके कारण नर्व रुट दबने लगता है।  इसकी वजह से पैरों में दर्द, थकान, अकड़न, वे झुनझुनाहट महसूस हो सकती  है। 

इसका निदान करना बहुत मुश्किल हो सकता है क्युंकि इस तरह के लक्ष्ण किसी ओर  कारणवर्ष भी हो सकते हैं। जिन लोगों को स्टेनोसिस हो, यह ज़रूरी नहीं की उन्हे पहले कभी पीठ में दर्द हो या कभी किसी तरह की चोट लगी हो। आम तौर पर स्पाइनल स्टेनोसिस में, अचानक से पीठ में दर्द होता है जो की आराम करने पर चला जाता है और ये दर्द चलते वक़्त भी महसुस  हो सकता है। 

स्पाइनल स्टेनोसिस दो प्रकार के होतें हैं- लुम्बर स्टेनोसिस और सर्वाइकल स्टेनोसिस। अगर रोग अधिक न बढ़ा हो,  तो स्टेनोसिस को सर्जरी किए बिना भी उपचार मुमकिन  है।  यह बहुत ज़रूरी है की मरीज़ शारीरिक रूप से सक्रिय रहे क्यूोंकि  इससे स्पाइनल स्टेनोसिस जल्दी ठीक हो सकता है, छोटे  छोटे बदलावों से जैसे कि  स्ट्रेट जैकेटेड कुर्सी  की जगह झुकने वाली कुर्सी की  इस्तेमाल करना, अच्छा परिणाम ला सकता है। 
एपिडरल इंजेक्शन से भी लगभग 50% लोगों को   ठीक किया जा सकता है। आगे चलकर यह इंजेक्शन जिन लोगों को सर्जरी करानी पढ़ती है उनके जल्दी  ठीक होने में सहायक भी सिद्ध होता है। जब सब मर्ज़ विफ़ल हो जाये तो सर्जरी एक सही निर्णेय होता है। पर सर्जरी कोई गभराने की बात नहीं है क्योंकि इस में बेहद ही उत्साह वर्धक नतीज़े होते है। सिर्फ़ कुछ बातों की सावधानियां बरतनी चाईए। 

सबसे पहले इस सर्जरी को करने से पहले मरीज़ के शारीरिक स्वास्थय को ध्यान में रखना बहुत मह्त्वपूर्ण होता  है। फिर डॉक्टर को इस बात का ध्यान रखना चाईए की वह क्षति ग्रस्त नब्ज को पहचाने और उसी का  उपचार करे। उपचार करते वक्त पूरी सावधानी बरती जाये की कोई और नब्ज को नुक्सान न पहुँचे। यहाँ एक सर्जन के कौशल पर बहुत कुछ निर्भर करता है। 

अगर यह सब  सावधनिया बरती जाएं तो सर्जरी दर्द  से  निवारण का एक अच्छा विकल्प साबित हो सकती है। 

सर्जरी होने के कुछ समय बाद तक मरीज़ को आराम करने को कहा जाता है और साथ ही कुछ दवाइयों का सेवन करने को भी कहा जाता है ताकि सूजन काम हो। पेट और पीठ के निचले हिस्से के लिए ज़्यादा चलने और व्यायाम  करने की  भी नसीहत दी जाती  है और गरम पानी से नहाना, बर्फ लगाने से भी रीढ़ स्थिर रहती है।

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Watch out for tall claims about back disorder treatment !

These days newspapers are full of articles about wonder cure for back problems.Please be careful,these seem to be marketing gimmicks and its always better to do some background check.Frankly for a qualified Spine Surgeon, these claims look little far fetched.
No one wants lingering back pain. It becomes very annoying when long drawn medical measures have not yielded the desired result.And this is where marketers trap you with so called magic treatment.There is nothing like this,treatment is always a combination of factors and never depend on one stand alone factor. Always take somebody's claim about guaranteed relief from pain with a pinch of salt.

Friday, 30 October 2015

Food myths about Osteoarthritis

Patients have certain long standing myths about food.Like lot of Osteoarthritis patients believe that eating Oranges and grapefruit juice flares up the pain.It is absolutely false and infact both these are rich source of Vitamin C and can help reduce the pain as well as can contribute towards checking the progression of the disease.

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Treatment for Spinal TB

We have all heard of TB of lungs but we are not aware TB of Spine is just as common. During last few decades medical science has advanced a lot in terms of treatment of this disorder and we can confidently state a person can be cured completely if the stage is not advanced and person is regular with the treatment.If antibiotics are not working,several advanced surgical procedures are available to stabilise rapidly progressing TB. Surgeries like single stage anterior and posterior stabilisation, extrapleral dorsal spine anterior stabilisation and endoscopic thoracoscopic can check progression of TB  even in morbid cases.
Those who seek more information,may kindly contact us at the clinic.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

What should Arthritis patients do to keep pain away in Winters

There is a whiff of cold in the air throwing enough hints for the coming winter.Such times can be trying one's for the Arthritis patient.They should not take any chance and should switch to warm clothing immediately.In addition if they drink enough fluid,consume whole grain food and continue with exercises,pain to a very large extent can be kept at bay.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

How to help a person who has suffered Spinal injuries

Earthquakes are getting quite common.Given the state of affairs,some of the buildings may collapse.But do we know how to help those who might get trapped under the debris of such buildings?Remember most of the victims in such situation suffer Spinal injuries.Now injured should not be pulled,dragged and carried away.In such a situation Spinal mobilisation is key.The injured person should be placed on hard board with as little movement of neck as possible and taken to the nearest medical centre.

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Spinal Cord Stimulator, a ray of hope for those suffering from damaged Spinal nerves and Spinal Cord

We have all heard of  cardiac pacemaker  and how it can revive a critically and  irreversibly damaged heart by  generating electrical impulses called cardiac impulses or action potentials required for proper pumping of heart thus acting as a true life savior in otherwise hopeless condition. Quite similar to it is, spinal cord stimulator, a device used to exert pulsed electrical signals to revive the already damaged spinal cord peripheral nerves of the patient when everything else has failed,thus giving relief from chronic pain.

Approved by the FDA in 1989, spinal cord stimulation (SCS), a form of neuro stimulation technology has over the years become a standard treatment for patients with chronic pain in their back and or limbs and those who have not found pain relief from other treatments. Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) is a pain relief technique that delivers a low-voltage electrical current continuously to the spinal cord to block the sensation of pain.

Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) in the simplest form, involves stimulating electrodes implanted in the epidural space, an electrical pulse generator implanted in the lower abdominal area or gluteal region with the conducting wires connecting the electrodes to the generator, and the generator remote control. As pain changes or improves, stimulation can be adjusted as necessary.

Most patients who qualify for neurostimulation therapy report a 70 to 90% reduction in overall pain, as well as an increased ability to participate in normal family and work activities. Many patients find that they can decrease or stop taking painkillers or other pain medications after undergoing spinal cord stimulation. Given these benefits, there has been ongoing research and advances in spinal cord stimulation technology, and many individuals suffering from chronic pain find that neurostimulation positively impacts the quality of their lives. 

However, it is important to note that the degree of pain relief experienced from spinal cord stimulation or peripheral nerve stimulation varies from person to person.

In general, neurostimulation works by applying an electrical current to the source of chronic pain. SCS is the most commonly used implantable neurostimulation technology for management of pain syndromes. As many as 50,000 neurostimulators are implanted worldwide every year.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Best way to diagnose Osteoporosis

Unexplained fracture of wrist or hip joint,back ache,stooping of the shoulders are generally taken as symptoms of Osteoporosis.But how is it diagnosed?
 A basic test by the name of Bone Mineral Density (BMD) test is employed to establish Osteoporosis and find out if the person is suffering from low bone mass.BMD can be tested in different ways such as ultrasound , quantitative computed tomography (QCT) and  Dexa-Scan(dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry or DXA).Out of these Dexa -Scan is the most popular method and considered to be giving most accurate results.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Recent articles on Spinal disc treatment

Lot of articles have appeared recently in media on Disc treatment by non surgical treatment.And that these work better than surgical intervention.First of all surgery is generally the last option which the patient exercises.The patient has tried every thing else for pain relief before opting for surgery.To say one is better than the other is wrong.Both offer cure,one in the initial stages and the other when there is no other option.

Monday, 19 October 2015

Causes and symptoms of Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones breakdown due to their own weight.These are generally caused by deficiency of Calcium or Vitamin D or hormonal imbalance.Most of us know about these facts but what are the symptoms of Osteoporosis?.Here,below we have tried to explain these
Unexplained Hip/joint/wrist fracture
Back ache
Shrinking of the shoulders and the resultant stoop

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Osteoporosis Day:Its significance

Osteoporosis day held every year on October 20 is organised to create awareness on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis and metabolic bone disease.Remember 1 in 3 women and 1/5 Men above the age of 50 are diagnosed with Osteoporosis.
Though it affects people in the age group of 50 and above but seed is laid much earlier.Among women in India, primary causes of Osteoporosis are lack of proper diet,exercise from the childhood.Later on when she becomes mother,additional pressure is put on her weak bones which turn more brittle.And the problem gets accentuated post menopause.
Among men sedentary life style is the biggest cause.
Various cures are available for treating Osteoporosis but the best treatment lies in its prevention and if for some reason you are not able to prevent it,then remember to strictly follow the Doctors prescription.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Remember what you learn on World Spine Day

The objective of World Spine Day which is being held tomorrow is to create awareness on how our inactive life style and wrong posture at work is damaging our back.
Lessons from this day are not meant to be followed only for the day but should become part of our regular life!

Generally what is seen that days are held with fanfare and the cause for which it was held is generally lost.Other wise for a day or two people try to follow the learnings seriously but after a week or so they slip back to their old habits.This is what one needs to watch out against.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Significance of World Spine Day

 Holding Days has become quite a fashion these days.There is no denying a kind of publicity angle is attached to these,still to a very large extent ,these help create awareness on a particular issue.Seen in this light,the coming World Spine Day on October 16 holds lot of significance as it ,reminds us to adopt healthy Spine habits at work and how we can prevent back pain before it starts.But most importantly lessons learnt should not be taken as one day affair.It has to be practised on a regular basis,then only the real lessons will be said to have been learnt.
So remember the theme "Your back at work" and follow correct postures whether moving or working at a desk.

Monday, 12 October 2015

Your back at work!

"Your back at work" a very apt theme for this years World Spine Day falling on October 16.Hope it will help draw attention to importance of good spinal health and measures we can take to prevent Spinal problems.

Pain such as back pain, neck pain, scoliosis and disc disease, have a debilitating impact on a person's over all health and happen as a result of some or the other form of Spinal disorder. 

If we analyse,back pain which is the commonest Spinal Disorder is caused by combination of wrong posture and inactive life style.It has been found to be among major reasons for people reporting sick at office.  

So to  help create awareness on the importance of Spinal health from year 2012,a   World Spine Day, is being held on October 16 every year. 

Hope the message will reach general masses.

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Suffering from Arthritis:Know about how much exercise to do

Gentle exercises do help those suffering from Arthritis.This fact needs no reiteration.It can help in controlling inflammation of the joints besides improving the overall muscle and endurance power of the body.  But while doing exercises, if you are not feeling comfortable,just stop then and there as it may harm you at that stage.So listening to the body is most important.Take rest if there is too much inflammation of the joints.
Besides,before starting exercising, consult the Doctor on which exercise to do and for how much duration.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

World Arthritis Day

Arthritis,known as disease of the old, affects millions of people worldwide.Basic symptoms are inflammation of joints which severely impairs a person's ability to perform every day work.It is curable but the best treatment is its prevention.To create awareness,on October 12,a ‪#‎WorldArthritisDay‬ is being held.

There are two major types of Arthritis,one is Osteoarthritis.This is caused by normal wear and tear of cartilage.
The other is Rheumatoid Arthritis,this is caused by overactive immune system.
Good calcium and potassium rich diet is a sure shot way of preventing it but if a person falls sick from this,it does not mean there is definitely a cure available.From medicines to surgery all alternatives are available but we use these only according to the patients requirement.